BrainSmart organisations drive sustained performance through strong leadership, employee well-being and a deep understanding of what motivates and engages their people.
All our services are developed with your organisation's specific context, challenges and objectives in mind. We address Leadership, Sales, Organisational Development and People opportunities.
Each program starts with a conversation and ends with a bespoke solution.
BrainSmart Leaderschip
BrainSmart Leadership
Lead with the heart and mind
Applying the principles of neuroleadership
(BrainSmart Leadership) enables leaders and managers
to improve their capacity for:
Performance enhancing Leadership
Decision Making and Problem Solving
Creative Thinking
Fostering Engagement and Motivation
Facilitating Change
Dealing with Diversity
Dealing with Stress and Adversity
Managing Conflict
“BrainSmart leaders understand the uniqueness of people and adjust their behaviour accordingly, optimising their impact on others.”
Our approach:
Our BrainSmart Leadership program provides unique insight into the workings of the human brain when interacting with others. Participants are guided to understand how this could be applied to strengthen their own mental resilience while improving their ability to lead individuals as well as groups, and drive performance through their people.
Structured according to the latest findings on how we learn best, this unique programme integrates academic input, experiential learning and practical discovery in a proven formula.
Our BrainSmart Leadership programmes are available as bespoke solutions designed around your specific challenges and requirements.
Self-leadership Leading others Leading organisational change
Change Culture Coaching
BrainSmart Sales
Enter your clients frame of mind
“About 80% of our decisions are taken subconsciously and
Neuro-Sales is a unique approach to sales and business
development based on BrainSmart neurobusiness principles.
Our programmes aim to equip you with the tools needed for
increasing conversion rates and building strong relationships
with prospects and clients.
BrainSmart Sales allows you to:
Understand the decision making process
Learn how to make your message memorable
Enter the prospects´ frame of mind
See what your prospects like, why they buy and how they decide
Learn how to engage, motivate and convince prospects and clients
“A BrainSmart sales team understands our emotion’s role in decision making and the power of BrainSmart presentation and storytelling”.
BrainSmart Organisational Development
Architecture for performance
Change, Culture, Performance
Working alongside your business we help design and implement the architecture for successful change, high performance and sustainable growth.
Our services range from audit of your existing practices,
through to development and finally implementation of bespoke high performance people programmes aligned to your specific business context.
Strategy Negotiation Story telling
BrainSmart People Practices
Be at the top of your game
Audit Solution Implementation
It all starts with the brain
Be at the top of your game.
Executive Assessment and Coaching 1:1 and Teams
We help our clients in Leadership, Change, Personal and
Professional Development, Stress and Resilience,
Personal Impact, Career Development,
Assertiveness, Strategy and Vision.
As Solution Focussed Coaches we encourage our clients to
Do more of what works
Change what doesn't work
Find and use resources
Build on successes
Interact rather than psychologically analyse
Simplify issues as far as possible, but no further
We use a number of instruments to help our clients understand their behavioural patterns and develop strategies to grow further. Some instruments we use are MBTI, Hogan, Neo-PI-3, Insights, Disc, Emotional Intelligence 360, Levels A&B of occupational ability and behavioural testing
Bespoke Courses, Seminars and Network Events
Please contact us for more information